Dental Bridges

Missing teeth are more than a cosmetic concern. They can lead to bite changes, teeth shifting, and other oral health problems. If you are living with missing teeth, we have solutions to restore your oral health and the aesthetics of your smile. One option is a dental bridge.

What is a Dental Bridge?

We use dental bridges to replace one or more missing teeth. The bridge itself is a prosthetic (false teeth) custom made to match your natural teeth. We use crowns to attach the bridge to the teeth on either side of the space we need to fill. Then, we cement the bridge in place to keep it secure. With a consistent oral hygiene routine and regular dentist visits, a dental bridge can serve you for a decade or longer.

Why a Dental Bridge?

First and foremost, a dental bridge prevents your remaining teeth from shifting to fill the gap created after you lose a tooth or teeth. It is essential to keep your teeth in proper alignment to prevent other serious oral health complications like gum disease and additional tooth loss.

Our dental bridges look and feel like natural teeth. Even up close, no one will know you have a prosthetic unless you tell them. With a bridge in place, you will once again be able to eat anything you please and smile with complete confidence.

Dental Bridge Care

Caring for your dental bridge is simple. Just continue to brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. You will also need to continue visiting us for hygiene examinations and cleanings at least twice a year or as often as your dentist recommends. That way, we can monitor the improvements in your oral health, check for any additional problems with your teeth and gums, and ensure your bridge stays looking and feeling great for as long as possible.

Is a Dental Bridge Right for You?

If you have one or more missing teeth, a dental bridge may be a viable replacement option. We often recommend dental bridges to patients who would not benefit from implant surgery or prefer an alternative solution. After a consultation to learn about your needs and goals, along with a thorough oral health exam, your dentist can determine whether a dental bridge is the best tooth replacement option for you.

Schedule an appointment today to discuss your options for replacing missing teeth.