TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Disorders

Do you have pain in your jaw joint or the muscles of your face?
Do you hear a popping, clicking, or grinding sound when you open and close your mouth?
Do you grind and clench your jaw during the day or at night?
Do you have unexplained headaches, ear pain, or neck pain?
Does your jaw get tired or sore after chewing?
Does your jaw sometimes get stuck open or become painful to close?

If you answered YES to one or more of the questions above, you may have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, also known as TMDTMD usually arises from a defect in or injury to the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull, the TMJ. You can experience a number of symptoms, some of which may not seem related to your jaw. Some patients have mild TMD, with few symptoms, while others have a more advanced form, which can be debilitating and diminish quality of life.

At Conover Family Dentistry, we provide TMJ treatment to eliminate pain and restore your jaw to proper function.

The Effects of TMD

Depending on your particular symptoms and the severity of the disorder, TMD can make sleep, work, eating, and concentrating difficult or impossible. Some TMD sufferers feel pain with the slightest head movement, while others may have trouble with balance and hearing. The variety of TMD-related symptoms makes diagnosing TMJ disorders difficult for inexperienced physicians, who often mistakenly presume the cause is something else. When patients seek answers from their general practitioners and the advice they receive repeatedly comes up short, they become frustrated and discouraged.

What TMJ Treatment in Cincinnati, OH Can Do for You

TMD pain symptoms that start out mild can become severe and debilitating over time. With early intervention, we can stop that from happening.

Our first goal in treating your TMJ disorder is to relieve your pain and any other problematic symptoms. Our second goal is to restore proper jaw joint function and stop your TMD from progressing further. We want all our patients to be healthy and enjoy fulfilling, pain-free lives.

If you suspect you may have a TMJ disorder, request an appointment today for an evaluation, and let Dr. Jon Conover put you on the path to better health and happiness.