Sleep Apnea Treatment

Are you constantly tired? Does your family complain about your snoring? Do you have trouble focusing during the day? You may have a serious health condition called Sleep Apnea.

Sleep Apnea prevents restful sleep and can lead to other health problems. Roughly one in six Americans have sleep-related breathing issues.
Schedule an appointment today to find out how we can help.

Warning Signs of Sleep Apnea and Sleep Disordered Breathing

High blood pressure
Restless Sleep, including limb movement
Difficulty falling or staying asleep
Acid reflux
Erectile dysfunction
Grinding your teeth
Depression and mood swings

How to Find Out if You Have Sleep Apnea

For patients who suspect they have sleep apnea, we offer home sleep testing. We can send you home with a device that monitors your breathing and other vital signs while you sleep. When you bring it back, we will download all the data for analysis. Once a physician has determined you have a sleep disorder, we can discuss your treatment options.

Treating Sleep Apnea in Cincinnati, OH

Options for sleep apnea treatment include:

  • Oral appliance
  • Nasal surgery
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

At Conover Family Dental, we provide custom oral appliances to effectively treat sleep apnea and snoring.

Oral Appliances: An Alternative to CPAP

Research shows that patients are much more accepting of oral appliance therapy than CPAP. If you have mild or moderate sleep apnea and struggle with your CPAP device, an oral appliance can make it easier for you to successfully treat your condition.

Why Choose Sleep Apnea Treatment

Good quality sleep will improve your oral and overall health, give you more energy during the day, and boost your mood. It can also help with some chronic pain conditions and eliminate fatigue. Additionally, your risk for serious health problems decreases when you get quality sleep every night. In short, treating your sleep apnea will change your life!

If you want to learn more about sleep apnea and home sleep testing, call our office to request an appointment with Dr. Jon Conover at Conover Family Dental, serving the greater Cincinnati, OH area.